
Aubri’s Testimony
My husband and I took Crystal’s Bradley course while pregnant with our first baby, as well as hired Crystal to be our Doula. We both work in healthcare, but had very limited knowledge about the birthing process. We looked forward to attending her class every single week because we always left feeling empowered and better educated to achieve the birthing experience we hoped for. We felt very comfortable and prepared with Crystal guiding us through my pregnancy and labor/delivery. She was always truly invested in our success to have a natural birth. We strongly feel that pain increases with fear and nervousness, but having Crystal by our side eased all of our worries. I ultimately felt more confident to bring our son into the world knowing that I had the best support team.


Joy’s Testimony
When I think back on my birth with Judah, I can’t remember it without Crystal constantly coming to mind. She helped educate us, encourage us and relax us through the whole process. I have never felt more comfortable or cared for than I did with Crystal. We were able to have a beautiful, unmedicated VBAC delivery and Crystal was there to support us every step of the way. Thank you Crystal for an amazing birth experience and for giving me hope for future births!

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Cara’s Testimony

We came across Crystal’s Bradley birthing class through a facebook mom’s group early in our pregnancy. We hadn’t thought much about natural birth. In fact, we didn’t even know it existed when we first contacted her to ask about the class. Now, we can not imagine that our amazing birth experience would have been possible without taking it. Crystal gave such good information, clearly, and with a confidence that gave us confidence in our own choices. We began our pregnancy journey at the hospital, but we ended up having an awesome home birth experience with local midwives. From knowing absolutely nothing and questioning her every class, to calling about being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, Crystal was always a source of peace and a knowledgeable sounding board. Even having to work around a national pandemic, Crystal still prepared us in ways we truly would have been lost without. Her background as a nurse and mother who has experienced a wide range of birthing experiences herself made her able to relate to everyone in our class, whether first baby or fifth, VBAC or simply new to the whole idea of a natural birth. If you are interested in being powerful and confident in your labor and delivery, we highly recommend taking her class.


Audrey’s Testimony
When I reflect back on the preparation of my birth, taking the Bradley class from Crystal really started out my education process and took away a lot of fear. I instantly loved who Crystal was because she spoke so raw and real. Her heart for every couple that was in her class was so evident in how she taught us every week. She wanted to help us have the best experience during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and then postpartum. I asked her if she would be my Doula because everything about her created a peace and a safety within me when I thought about having my first child at my home. She was someone I wanted there. Crystal helped me prepare for my labor and delivery by talking to me several times a week, helping me with exercises, and educating me on ways to soften my cervix. I always felt so seen and heard by her that the fear of going through birth and becoming a first time mom was very much so alleviated by who she is as a person. Her calming presence and years of helping other women shined through her in every way. When my water broke and I called her, she came over and was by my side through every contraction, every discomfort, and every joy through my 22 hours of labor. She empathized with me, coached me, loved me really well, and helped me maneuver my body to inch my baby down the birth canal until he came out. I literally could not have birthed my son at home if it hadn’t been for her. She is by far the greatest birth educator, and I couldn’t recommend her more for her Bradley classes, her Doula services, and truly everything else she offers. If you want to have a peaceful and joyful experience through pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum, Crystal is the woman for you!


Leslie Dougherty
Our family is blessed to know Crystal as a friend, Doula, and Bradley Instructor. Crystal has helped us graduate from natural childbirth amateurs to natural childbirth pros. Crystal’s knowledge and experience has helped to shape our approach to child birth and we could not be more grateful for the wonderful support and encouragement she provides at every step along the way. Her attitude to child birth helps us to relax when things seem tense. Her knowledge helps us to easily overcome obstacles that could easily be potential roadblocks to natural childbirth. Her experience helps us to make choices that make each birth be the best experience possible. We cannot imagine having a birth that Crystal would not be part of and our lives are enriched for having met her and learning all that we have from her. Crystal has a great spirit and her energy helps to brighten any room. We know we can always count on Crystal to help us through any difficulty and see us through to the other side in the best way possible. Now that number seven is on the way we cannot wait for her to be a part of this special time in our lives.

Making well-informed decisions can empower an expectant couple to go into the birth of their baby with joy and excitement